Dec 9, 2008
I'm doing the devotional, Intense Moments with the Savior by Ken Gire, and this spoke volumes to me this morning...

"Learning to feel carries with it both a blessing and a curse; a blessing because those feelings are what lead us out of ourselves; a curse, because once out we can never again go back and enjoy the simple pleasures of a self-absorbed life. For suffering sensitizes us not only to the world around us, which is needy, but to the world within us, which is needier still, and ultimately to the world beyond us, which we long for in so many ways. Yet in so few ways do we ever fully realize it."

Father please let this truth sink into my heart today and continue to take me on this path to feeling more in every area of my life! Thank you for your faithfulness.

This song is taking me to my knees this morning...

I’ve looked into the eyes of a lion
Felt the courage in his name
I heart him roar my name with
Passion as i buried my tears in
His name

I’ve looked into the eyes of a lamb
I saw love face to face
I felt grace destroy my sin
As mercy flowed from his veins

I’ve seen i am
Now i know that i am loved
I’ve seen i am now i know who i am

I’ve looked into the eyes of a king
Saw the beauty of holiness
I heard the voice of many waters
As worship poured from my lips

I’ve looked into the eyes of a saviour
Saw love stronger than death
I kissed the scars that bought
Me freedom
As i laid my head on his chest


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