I got to scrap this weekend!

Oct 1, 2012
It's so nice to know that my love for scrapbooking is still there!  It's been some time since I got to really sit down and spend some time scrapping and I was able to this weekend and it felt good!  When I first started scrapbooking during my Creative Memory days I was a chronological scrapper because they said there was no other way to do it.  As I looked at the two pages I finished this weekend I had to laugh as one if from his first day and the next when he is 10 months!  I think I missed a whole bunch in between!  lol!  But I'm okay with that.  These are the pictures that inspired me and I'll get back to the middle ground some time.  So thankful that I found what worked for me in scrapbooking as I know I would have thrown in my towel long ago if I had to scrap the way I was first taught to!

Scrapping Again!

Sep 18, 2012

It's been quite awhile since I've done any work for a company and it feels good to be doing something like that again!  I remember the days when design team work was what I lived for!  I loved the challenge of creating something for a company with their products and being able to push my creativity in ways I may not otherwise.  It was always such a honor to be able to share my work in such ways and to even see those pages in their booths at the shows or even in scrapbooking magazines.  It really seems like a lifetime ago that that was such an important part of my life!  This really is the first time in a long time that I've taken a break from scrapbooking.  Moving and having a baby in the last 2 years really put that on hold for me and it was something I needed to do.  But I'm feeling the love for it again and it's a very good feeling!  It's nice to know that I haven't lost that passion and that it still excites me to see my finished pages and seeing whats in my head come to life in my page.  And of course it helps to have a brand new subject to scrap and want to give him some pages to go along with the (literally) hundreds that I have of his sister!  

So I'm doing some design work for Queen and Company again and I just love their stuff!  Wendy has always produced some of my favorite products to put on my pages and it's nice to see she is still putting out those amazing products.  Here's my first layout I've done with some of their tape.  Love Love Love this stuff!  

Whole 30 Week 1

Sep 16, 2012

I have learned that I utterly fail without a plan for eating so today I sat and made a weekly menu for our second Whole 30.  This will be our second official Whole 30 and it's time!  We didn't actually finish our last one completely so my goal is to go the whole 30 days this time.  I loved it the last time and was feeling really really good.  I actually made it halfway through and lost 12 lbs!  Then life just got in the way for one excuse after another and we fell off the wagon.  I have reread It All Starts with Food and highly recommend that to anyone wanting to make some big changes in how they eat and how they feel about food in general.  

So for the next 30 days there will be no sugar, no processed foods, only seasonal fruits, lots of veggies, good grass fed meats, lots of organic eggs, ghee, coconut oil and nuts.  :)  And lots of great spices.  I'm using a lot of recipes that I found online and then the Well Fed cookbook and Everyday Paleo.  I love them both!  I feel good about getting off to a great start already with a menu in hand and hopefully the week will be a great success!
Sep 11, 2012
Wow have I been the world's worst blogger!  I haven't updated here since December!  I totally forgot how busy life can be with a baby and I guess life just got away from me in the world wide web!  :)

Kaden is now a year old!  Typing that is just unbelievable!  The time has flown by and I am want it to slow down some!  He is the most amazing little boy that was are so blessed to have!  He brightens our home with so much happiness.  He is so fun right now and his cuteness really takes my breath away some days.  I don't think there is a day that goes by that I don't say "He's SO cute!"  I don't know if the shock of having a baby boy will ever really wear off!  

Here are some photos to catch anyone up on things with him since I've been a pretty bad blogger.  :)

And here is an update on Kiersten.  As if we needed more changes, she has started school this year after 5 years of homeschooling her.  We are excited to have found The Daniel Academy and feel blessed to live in this area where such a great school is located.  She is in the 7th grade this year and is really enjoying it.  It's been quite the adjustment for us but we are surviving one day at a time!  Pictures of her first day at TDA. 


What a little charmer!

Dec 18, 2011
It was so cute to watch all the girls swoon over our little guy! And of course, he loved every second of it!

Amazing How They Grow!

Nov 17, 2011

3 months today!

Nov 17, 2011
Has it really been 3 months?!  There are somedays where it feels like Kaden has been a part of our lives forever but then I wake up to reality and realize it's only been such a short time.  Of course that could be lack of sleep talking too!  He is such a joy to us and I can't imagine him not in our lives! He has definitely changed the way we go about things, but in good ways. 

Oct 16, 2011

My Stick Family from WiddlyTinks.com


7 weeks

Oct 10, 2011

Just some random pictures from our little guys 7th week with us!  :)
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