's been a long time!

Aug 11, 2010
My life has pretty much turned into a few sentence updates on facebook these days and the blog has been left on the wayside!  Sorry to anyone that follows...I'll try better here.  :)  We will see how that goes. 

I was excited this morning to see my photo as one of the finalist for a grandparent photo contest I entered and wanted to put that out here for those that aren't on facebook.  You can vote for me if you want...I'm #20! 

Here is the picture a little bigger with the details I so love with the contrast of the new skin against the old.  This is my grandma holding her first great great grandchild.  You can vote by clicking on this link...


  1. Anonymous said...:

    Just voted for you my friend!!! You are so going to be in that issue!!!!

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